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Advocacy1 min read


Sharing the Hope of Easter

Blog Team
Apr 05, 2015

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. – Matthew 28:6

Easter, the celebration of the risen Christ, is about hope. Every year at Easter, we make it a point to invite our friends and family to shine the resurrection hope with the individuals who need it the most.

We want the world to embrace this gift of eternal hope. But we also realize this precious gift is often introduced in the form of a warm meal, clean water, or medicine. World Help believes in meeting physical needs as a way of opening doors to meet spiritual needs.

World Help Gifts

Jesus set the model for us. His days of ministry were spent healing the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the afflicted . . . caring for their bodies and their souls.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” – Matthew 9:36

Today on Easter, consider how He has called you to show compassion, to share hope with His people. It may look like clean water for thirsty communities . . . livestock for struggling farming families . . . medicine for refugee children . . . or Bibles for persecuted Christians.

Want more ideas? Browse through the World Help Gifts catalog. Perhaps you can sit down with your family and choose a gift together.

We have the promise of eternal hope today because the tomb stands empty. May we each strive to share this gift that Jesus lavished on us by rising again.

Will you join us in caring for bodies, minds, and souls this Easter?

Browse World Help Gifts


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