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Help Refugees and Displaced People in Need

Every $35 you give will provide a week’s worth of lifesaving supplies for someone far from home.

Provide lifesaving help for a person forced to flee home

Refugees and people who have been displaced from their homes need your help.

Their reasons for fleeing are different — many Ukrainians are now homeless because of a brutal war. People in Afghanistan are living in overcrowded camps. Some Syrians have been refugees for over 10 years because of ongoing violence. Countless people have fled a devastating civil war in Sudan, and many Venezuelans have chosen to leave because of one of the world’s worst economic crises.

But although each person’s story is different, the essentials they need to survive are the same.

They need food and clean water to stay healthy. They need medical care they can rely on. They need shelter and clothing. Today, you can help give these lifesaving supplies to a refugee or displaced person trying to stay alive.

Every $35 you give will provide a week’s worth of emergency aid for one person. Your gift will be a lifeline to someone who urgently needs it.

Why Is Your Gift So Important?

Your gift will help save the life of a refugee or displaced person in crisis by meeting their most urgent physical needs like food, clean water, warm blankets and clothing, medical care, and more. Your generosity will also be a powerful testimony of Christ’s love in action to a person in need.

Over 272,000 refugees and displaced people were impacted in just one year. Your gift today will help save even more lives!

Learn More About The Refugee Crisis Worldwide

A devastated economy, the aftermath of war, and frequent natural disasters have displaced countless Afghan men, women, and children. Many people are unemployed and living in displacement camps, unable to afford essentials like food, clean water, warm clothing during frigid winter months, or medical care.


Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, 13 million people have been displaced — 8 million of them fled to neighboring countries like Romania, Moldova, and Poland. Women and children have been especially impacted because most of the men had to stay behind in case they were needed to fight. Now, people endure separation from loved ones while struggling to afford basic essentials.

Ukraine and Eastern Europe

When Syria’s civil war began in 2011, countless Syrians were forced to flee their homes in the wake of bombings and terrorist attacks. Now, 6.7 million people are displaced within their homeland, and millions more have fled to countries like Jordan. With a lack of available jobs and work permits, most Syrian refugees are living below the poverty line. They lack access to basic essentials like food, clothing, and medical care.

Syria and Jordan

Due to a growing humanitarian crisis within Venezuela, over 7 million people have fled to neighboring countries like Colombia. Many of them left without knowing where they would go. Now, Venezuelan refugees are living without the essentials they need to survive. They lack access to food, shelter, and employment, and many are at risk of exploitation by violent gangs.


Uganda currently has the largest refugee population in Africa. Most refugees fled from South Sudan, where almost a decade of conflict has created a severe humanitarian crisis. Refugees in Uganda struggle to afford essentials like food and clean water, especially with rising prices and recent natural disasters. Without medical care, they’re also vulnerable to disease.


Sudan’s civil war began in 2023, but it has already driven more than 8 million people from their homes. Though many Sudanese have escaped the violence, they’re now facing one of the worst hunger crises in the world due to extreme drought and the collapse of the national food economy. People also lack access to essentials like clean water and medical care. Without these necessities, they face a battle for survival every day.


You Can Help Save a Life Today

Your gift today will provide lifesaving aid like food, medicine, clothes, and more for a person who had to flee for their life with almost nothing but the clothes on their back.

You will meet urgent needs and show God’s love, providing both HELP for today … and HOPE for tomorrow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a refugee, an internally displaced person, and a migrant?
The U.N. defines a refugee as someone who has been forced to flee his country because of persecution, war, or violence. An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who has fled his home but is still living in the same country, often in a refugee camp. A migrant is anyone who changes his home country for any reason.

If conflict has ended where they live, why haven’t refugees returned home?
While much of the fighting in places like Iraq is less intense than it was a year or two ago, the refugee crisis is certainly not over. Families have nothing to return to. Their homes, schools, businesses, and entire communities have been reduced to rubble. Families want to return home and rebuild, but it will be some time until these cities are inhabitable again.

Why can’t refugees’ countries help them? Why do they need our help?
The biggest problem is that violence, famine, and other causes of the refugee crisis don’t just destroy people’s homes. They destroy crops, businesses, and entire industries. They cause a nation’s economy to collapse and throw the government into chaos. Although many countries try to care for their displaced, they simply do not have the means.

How does my $35 provide $189 worth of food and aid?
Your gift is combined with grants and relief supplies donated by generous corporations to provide the greatest amount of aid possible. That means every dollar you give goes further and rescues more people with help for today and hope for tomorrow.

What supplies do refugees need the most?
The most urgent needs are food, clean water, and medicine. In some camps, a refugee family’s monthly ration of food lasts only two weeks. Community water sources are often contaminated. And living in crowded conditions means disease spreads quickly. If left untreated, simple illnesses can quickly turn deadly. Your donation can literally save lives.

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