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Socks — the best gift ever?

Socks — the best gift ever?

Did your parents ever give you socks for a birthday or Christmas present? Mine did. Every Christmas, when I looked through my stocking, I found candy, notebooks, hot chocolate packets — and a big bag of socks. I would usually say thank you and then toss the socks...
Last minute gifts for everyone on your list

Last minute gifts for everyone on your list

It’s finally here, the night before Christmas. Stockings are hung, the tree is lit, and the presents are all wrapped. Or, maybe they aren’t. Maybe you still have to do a little last-minute shopping. Before you face the frenzied crowds, consider giving a World Help...
Advent: the season of light

Advent: the season of light

Savita stooped to place flowers, sweets, and coins before the idols at the temple in his Indian village. He gave as much as he could in order to find favor with the Hindu gods. But day after day as he lit another candle at an idol’s feet, he felt empty … his offerings...
God can use your gifts for His glory

God can use your gifts for His glory

Richard and Janis Lee had served the Lord together for decades. They were active members in their local church, had raised their three children to love Jesus, and had poured their hearts into their students during the many years they served as teachers. But the...
3 ways you can send Christmas joy to a child

3 ways you can send Christmas joy to a child

Christmas is a time of year that brings back some of our favorite memories — many of them from our childhood. Kids don’t have to worry about the stress of buying presents or the chaos of planning parties. They can just soak in the joy, love, and beauty of the holiday....
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