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Important Notes


Important Trip Notes


Safety Policy

World Help is extremely cautious when taking groups on international trips. We do our best to insure a safe environment for our trip participants, including our choice of lodging, food, and transportation for each group. We make sure that we are up-to-date on current events within each country, and would never proceed with a trip if we had reason to fear for the participants’ safety. Our in-country partners are also trust-worthy, reliable, and knowledgeable with handling American group trips.

Trip Payments

All payments made to World Help are tax-deductible and non-refundable. As a non-profit organization we are legally unable to provide refunds for tax-deductible donations. If you should choose to back out from the trip for any reason, you will be able to use your money paid for the project of your choice.

International Medical Insurance

Each trip participant will have international medical insurance purchased in their name through Gallagher International Insurance Services for the duration of the trip. This is covered in the trip cost. It covers medical expenses or procedures that might be incurred while overseas. There is a $100 deductible.

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