World Help pixel

vital needs

Provide food, medicine, and other essentials to some of the world’s most impoverished people

Cute illustration of some ornaments
Gift bow graphic Suggested $45
Where Needed Most
Provide help and hope to people who need it most.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $15
Clean Water
Clean water is one of the most life-changing resources you can give.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $40
Lifesaving Supplies
Every $1 you give multiplies to send $16 worth of essentials.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $30
Feed A Starving Child
Rescue a child from starvation by providing food for an entire year.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $5,000
Provide a water project for a community
Give a community the lifesaving gift of clean water.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $15,000
Provide a deep bore well for a community
Fund a clean water well for a community in need.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $35
Help a Refugee or Displaced Person Survive
Provide lifesaving essentials for someone forced to flee their home

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Cute illustration of some Christmas trees
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