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Ship Lifesaving Supplies and Multiply Your Impact 16x!

People living in poverty or in the aftermath of a crisis desperately need lifesaving essentials like food, medical equipment, and more. We have these supplies ready to go — but we need YOUR help to ship them worldwide. Every $1 you give will send $16 worth of emergency aid to people who need it most!

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Help & Hope

Serving the physical and spiritual needs of disaster victims and people in impoverished communities around the world.

Become a monthly donor to help save lives and share the Gospel with people around the globe every month! Learn More


Feed a Child

Feed A Starving Child

War, natural disasters, and poverty have left countless children around the world at risk of starvation. Your $30 gift will provide one child with an entire year’s worth of food!

Help North Korean Christians

Send food and Bibles to North Korea

North Korean Christians are facing the worst persecution in the world … and they’re also starving. For $20, you can send a week’s worth of food and a Bible to a Christian in North Korea.

Help Save a Life

Give Where Needed Most

Every $12 you give will provide essentials like food, clean water, medical care, God’s Word, and more to one person in urgent need. Your gift will be a lifeline and a powerful reminder of God’s love worldwide!

Help a Child Escape Poverty

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Nigeria: The Growing War on Christianity

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Humanitarian Aid

What Happens When You Help Ship Essentials Worldwide?

  Every day, a mother in Afghanistan holds her child as he cries . . .

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Where Needed Most

Check Out What the World Help Family Accomplished in 30 Days!

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