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20 gifts found:
Gift bow graphic Suggested $15
Clean Water
Clean water is one of the most life-changing resources you can give.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $100
One dairy goat can produce up to a ton of milk per year!
Gift bow graphic Suggested $22
Income-generating chickens produce eggs that can be sold at market.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $40
Lifesaving Supplies
Every $1 you give multiplies to send $16 worth of aid.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $30
Feed A Starving Child
Rescue a child from starvation by providing food for an entire year.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $100
Faster transportation improves a person’s job prospects and makes life easier.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $10
Send Bibles Around the World
Give God’s Word to people all around the globe.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $45
Where Needed Most
Provide help and hope to people who need it most.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $50
Freedom from slavery
Help introduce one girl to freedom from cultural and sexual slavery.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $175
Sewing Machine
Sewing machines help men and women start their own businesses.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $1,000
One cow produces up to 6.5 gallons of nutrient-rich milk each day.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $200
A pig can produce up to 40 piglets in its lifetime that can be sold for income.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $3,000
Livestock Bundle
Transform an entire community by giving the gift of livestock today.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $100
Plant A Church
Help share the love of Christ with those who have never experienced it.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $5,000
Provide a water project for a village
Clean water is one of the most life-changing resources you can give.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $15,000
Provide a deep bore well for a village
Clean water is one of the most life-changing resources you can give.
Gift bow graphic Starting at $100
Livestock Bundle Share
Transform an entire community by giving the gift of livestock today.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $250
Small Business Grants
Empower someone to start their own small business.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $20
Bibles and Food for North Korean Christians
Meet the physical and spiritual needs of persecuted believers.
Gift bow graphic Suggested $35
Help a refugee survive
Provide lifesaving aid for someone forced to leave home

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