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She didn’t know her baby was starving to death

She didn’t know her baby was starving to death

Jamilla knew something was wrong with her baby boy. At 6 months old, Nabil hadn’t grown much since birth. His body still resembled a newborn, and he showed no signs of maturing. Jamilla and her son fled the violence in their city and now live in a refugee camp on the...
Love your neighbor: Ready, set, ACTION!

Love your neighbor: Ready, set, ACTION!

Are you ready for a little honesty? Before working at World Help, I had a certain mindset toward charities and nonprofits. I’d see a commercial about starving children or notice a colorful pamphlet depicting the struggles of refugees and always have the same reaction....
Too traumatized to speak: life as a child refugee

Too traumatized to speak: life as a child refugee

CRASH! Nabil had never heard such a loud and terrifying noise before. When the dust and smoke settled, he could see the early morning sunlight pouring in where the ceiling of his house had been just seconds before. Fragments of a missile littered the rubble. As the...
3 prayers to pray for a refugee

3 prayers to pray for a refugee

“I used to live a normal, quiet life with my family …” Lina’s sentiments are echoed by refugees worldwide. You’ve seen the piles of rubble on the evening news. Images of families displaced from their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs....
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