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Advocacy1 min read


Today We Stand In Prayer for the Persecuted

Blog Team
Nov 02, 2014

Today, more than half a million Christians from over 150 nations will come together to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters from around the world.

This is no imaginary suffering. Believers worldwide are risking everything—even their lives—for the sake of the Gospel.

Nepal Christian Persecution

In China, they face torture and imprisonment for gathering to worship in secret.

In North Korea, they are sent to concentration camps for owning a Bible.

In India, their churches are burned to the ground and their women raped and tortured.

In the Central African Republic, their businesses are destroyed and their homes demolished.

As we speak, our brothers and sisters in Syria and Iraq are being beaten, beheaded, and even crucified simply for their belief in Jesus . . . even the children.

Middle East Christian Persecution

We may not be able to intervene in each of these situations, but we believe in a God who can . . . and who will . . . if we align our hearts in faith toward His purpose.

Please take a moment right now to watch this video message from World Help President Vernon Brewer who, only a few days ago, was physically serving hundreds of persecuted believers who have lost everything for following Jesus. He was literally standing only miles away from advancing ISIS soldiers.

Watch International Day of Prayer from World Help on Vimeo.

We invite you to join us today in praying specifically for the persecuted church of Iraq.

  • Pray for peace and for an end to the violence.
  • Pray for strength, perseverance, and comfort for believers suffering right now at the hands of ISIS.
  • Pray for healing and restoration for refugees who have lost everything.
  • Pray for the American people to generously respond to this great need.
  • Pray for our staff and partners who continually put themselves in harm’s way to serve families in need.

To learn more about the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and how you can help provide immediate aid to Iraqi refugees, simply visit

Thank you for joining us. And thank you for believing with us in a God who is able to do more than we can ever ask or imagine.

Aid for Persecuted Believers


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