Help Plant a Church
You can help equip a church planter to establish thriving faith communities in some of the most unreached countries on earth. Your gift will help provide them with training, Bibles, and study materials, as well as essentials like food for their family and transportation costs so they can continue to reach more people with the Gospel.
Every $100 you give will play a critical part in helping a church planter continue growing his ministry and spreading the Good News throughout the nations.
Your Gift Will Make a Difference in Countries Like …

China is the second-most populous country in the world. Despite increasing persecution of Christians, the underground church is growing, and more people are learning about Jesus Christ. But because religious activity is so restricted, pastors need resources like training and Bibles to continue planting churches and reaching people with the Gospel.

Many rural and impoverished communities in Peru are difficult to reach because of the country’s undeveloped tropical terrain. As the message of Jesus Christ continues to spread throughout Peru, church planters and pastors need training and resources to reach these remote villages with the Gospel.

For the past several years, a historic revival has been sweeping across Cuba. Thousands of house churches are emerging where none existed before, and the Gospel is reaching people who had never heard the name of Jesus. Cuban church planters need help to continue fanning the flames of this revival and discipling new believers.

Nicaragua is home to many indigenous and isolated communities, many of which have never heard the Gospel. And since it’s the poorest country in Central America, pastors and church planters can’t always afford the tools they need to reach these communities. That’s why they’re asking for Bibles, study materials, training, and more to help plant churches and advance the Great Commission in Nicaragua.
South Asia
There are more unreached people in South Asia than anywhere else in the world due to both rapid population growth and increasing persecution. Countless people still need to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but many church planters and pastors don’t have the resources they need. Restrictive laws make safely establishing new churches even more challenging and expensive. They desperately need help to continue spreading the Gospel.