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Child Sponsorship4 min read


Sponsor a child in India

Emily Towns
May 24, 2018

Nestled in the mountains and surrounded by trees, the colorful buildings of a children’s home provide a safe haven for some of India’s most needy children.

“[This place], to me, is like paradise,” says Pari. It became her home when she was 6 years old and has provided her with many opportunities. Thanks to child sponsorship, Pari has experienced a life full of joy and promise.

But Pari’s happy ending is not typical for most of India’s impoverished children.

Pari grew up as an outcast in this country ravaged by crippling poverty. Thanks to a centuries–old caste system, poor families like hers are abused and unwelcome in society. She’s also a Christian, and since Christians make up less than 3 percent of the population in India, they often face extreme persecution from other religious groups.’

In fact, we’ve had to change Pari’s name and remove the name of the children’s home to keep this ministry safe.

Though Pari had a loving mother and brother, many young children are left without a parent to care for them. Countless kids are destined for a life on the streets.

But all are welcome at the children’s home made possible by generous sponsors.

Through the Child Sponsorship Program, hundreds of homeless or impoverished children have been able to live here in a place of security and hope. The program provides food, clothing, and education, as well as a loving and supportive environment.

Each child that enrolls in the program becomes a part of an ever-growing family.

One of the most important things this children’s home offers is a quality education. As a little girl, Pari never imagined she would grow up and graduate from school. In many parts of India, education comes at a steep price. Parents must provide school supplies, uniforms, books, and school fees, making it almost impossible for poor children to ever attend a class.

For Pari, this children’s home provided the security and support her mother couldn’t give her at home. Without it, Pari would never have grown up to become a third-grade teacher.

“If it had not been for [the children’s home], I would not get any education, because my family would not have been able to provide for me,” says Pari. “It is because I was here and it is because of the Lord that I could get educated. Now I can live my life and help my mom and my brother.”

Though she’s an adult now and no longer lives on the campus, Pari says she feels happy every time she returns. And it’s easy to see why.

If you were to visit the campus, you could see a group of kids laughing and playing games on the basketball courts. Others might be reading or learning how to sew or make soap. But often, you will hear the sounds of a hundred young voices, praising God for all He has done in their lives.

“Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest.”

The children’s faces light up as they sing songs of worship. They know what a blessing it is to be at this special place.

Living in a country full of darkness and unrest, these kids could easily be sad and afraid. But because of the Child Sponsorship Program, they are hopeful and excited about the future. They are confident that God loves them and has great plans for them.

Pari knows it is the sponsors that make all of this possible.

“It is so great that people around the world are a part of touching children’s lives,” she says.

Pari credits sponsorship with transforming her own life. Today she is happily teaching and giving back to students in need. Through the children’s home, she received everything she needed to create a good life and become a positive role model.

When you become a child sponsor, you help support a child living in poverty. You are the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting the physical needs of a child like Pari. You will provide food, medical care, and education. Most importantly, you will share the love of Jesus with a child that may never have heard His name.

He is the reason this children’s home is a paradise.

You can make a difference for someone like Pari for just $35 a month! Look below to see children at this specific children’s home in India who are waiting for a sponsor.

Sponsor a child — and change a life forever.


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