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Advocacy1 min read


World Malaria Day

Blog Team
Apr 25, 2011

Today is World Malaria Day.

A day designated by the World Health Organization to recognize the ongoing efforts around the world for malaria prevention and treatment.

Globally, 3.3 billion people are at risk for contracting malaria, most of which reside in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. Most are children.

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, characterized by flu-like symptoms including fever and headache. As the illness escalates, however, it is aggressive enough to induce coma, and later, death.

In support of the Millennium Development Goals, developed by the United Nations to aide in eradicating eight major issues surrounding poverty by 2015, malaria prevention is one of the most important avenues of progress. Supporting malarial prevention is one step towards reaching the goal to end child mortality under the age of five.

Prevention is safe and cost-effective. Simply using a mosquito net can drastically decrease the chances of contracting malaria from mosquitos. As children are especially susceptible to the disease, they are also the main beneficiaries of the mosquito nets provided by World Help.

The photographs shown here are of one of our children’s homes in Uganda receiving their own mosquito nets. As you can see by the joy on their faces, these nets mean more than comfort or passing novelties—they are literally a chance for a better life.

Malarial prevention is just one of the many factors involved in improving the chance for children to engage in a quality education and to experience the joy and vitality of a healthy childhood.


If you would like to help provide mosquito nets for those in need, simply follow this link to give. Just $25 can enable an entire family to rest at night in safety.

Help us end the struggle against preventable diseases like malaria that threaten to steal the lives thousands of children a year. It is a goal that is collectively, well within reach.

Thank you for supporting the ongoing efforts of our partners around the world and for investing in those Christ came to serve. You are changing lives!


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