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Your 2017 impact: Bible distribution and church planting

Blog Team
Jan 02, 2018

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. — Isaiah 40:31, ESV

At the end of 2017, hope became a rare and precious commodity. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and ongoing conflict left many wondering what the next year would hold. Is anything certain? Is there anything you can put your trust in?

But over the past year, thousands of people have been introduced to a source of hope that never fails — Jesus Christ. Because of generous donors, people in Rwanda, Iraq, India, North Korea, and many other countries are reading God’s Word and finding the strength to stand firm through their trials.

Thank you for supporting church planting and Bible distribution around the world. Here are just a few of the ways you made an impact in 2017:

Families prepare to attend worship at a newly dedicated church building in Rwanda.

Many North Koreans have been able to read God’s Word for the first time!

Families gather to praise God at a church you helped plant in Russia.

Nepali children join in prayer in their new church building you helped make possible.

Students in Iraq receive mp3 copies of the Bible to listen to and share with their families.

Christ-followers in India gather in a new church building that has room for the congregation to grow!

Young women in Thailand are introduced to Jesus for the first time.

Thank you for dedication to reaching people with Christ. You made an incredible impact in 2017! By sharing the Gospel around the world, you gave hope for tomorrow and all the days to come.


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