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Child Development2 min read


3 Reasons to Write to Your Sponsored Child This Christmas

Amanda Mattingly
Dec 23, 2015

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. There is something about the Christmas season that brings such excitement to so many people, but more than all of the excitement from family events and beautiful decorations, it’s a time to reflect on the ultimate gift we received when Christ came to the world as a mere baby. This gift from God literally changed everything.

The holiday season is ultimately a time where I believe we, as advocates, have the opportunity to make an incredible impact. We can take this opportunity to share in the joy of Christ with our sponsored children around the world . . . reminding them they are thought of and prayed for daily. I want to encourage all of our World Help sponsors to send a special note to their sponsored child this Christmas, either by using the special Christmas card we sent to you or creating your own card.

Honduras Child Sponsorship - World Help

Your letters and gifts can make a far greater difference than you or I could ever imagine. If you need some inspiration, I want to give you three reasons you should invest in your sponsored child this Christmas:

  1. Remind your sponsored child they are truly loved.

We receive reports from our international partners expressing how truly grateful the children are for their sponsors. Your investment in child sponsorship can literally change a child’s future . . . making an eternal difference. Each child’s story is different, but as you and I both know, a child can never be told too many times they are loved. I encourage you to use this Christmas as a time to remind your sponsored child how special they are to you and your family. If you’ve never written your sponsored child before, Christmas is a perfect time to start!

Child Sponsorship in India - World Help

  1. Send a small gift that can make a huge difference.

Sponsors can also send a small gift with their Christmas letter . . . small items that can be easily shipped such as socks, toothbrushes, stickers, or small toys. Though they may seem like simple gifts to us, they mean a lot to the child that receives them. Some children aren’t accustomed to receiving any gifts at all, so your small gift can make such an incredible impact on them.

  1. Ultimately, use this time to remind them of the love of Christ.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. – Luke 2:11 

Child sponsorship World Help

While sharing letters and gifts with our sponsored child is so special and important, Christmas is a strategic time to remind them of the love of Christ and the story of Christmas . . . to tell them of God’s love and the ultimate gift He gave us through His son, Jesus. Take the opportunity, this Christmas, to share the love of Jesus with your sponsored child and, as always, keep them in your prayers.

I want to personally invite each of our sponsors to send a letter, a gift, or both to your sponsored child this Christmas. Correspondence can build a strong relationship between you and your child and give you a new perspective on your own sponsorship commitment. This Christmas, invest in your sponsored child through correspondence.


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