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Spiritual Development4 min read


4 ways kids can connect with a child in India

Emily Towns
May 27, 2018
The world can seem like an enormous place to a young child. A country like India can feel distant, exotic, and difficult to imagine. But the truth is children in India are a lot like children in the United States! The difference is — most children in India have never heard of Jesus. But with your help, that can change.

This summer, you can teach your kids more about sharing Jesus with other children around the world. And more specifically, you can teach them about boys and girls in India who are hearing about Jesus at VBS — just like they are.  

Here are four things your kids have in common with kids in India!

1. They love to color and draw

Just like your kids, children in India love to draw and be creative. India is a country full of color, from the rich, vivid fabrics to the vibrant, flower-covered buildings. Children there enjoy drawing intricate designs like paisleys and flowers.

Teach children more about India’s colorful culture by using this free, downloadable coloring sheet! As they color, they will be reminded to pray for other kids around the world.

2. They love to sing and dance

If you’ve ever attended Vacation Bible School, you probably remember the songs you learned — and the choreography that came with each one. India is home to Bollywood, so song and dance is a critical part of its culture. And just like your kids, children in India will learn VBS songs, too!

Christians often face persecution in this country where they are in the religious minority. But when they sing songs of praise to the Lord, they are encouraged and strengthened in their faith. Although we do not face the same type of mistreatment, the songs we learn in church do the same for us.

Give children a peek into India VBS by showing them this song — a Hindi version of this classic youth group song. You and your children can worship alongside your brothers and sisters in India!

3. They love to play games

No matter where you go, kids love to play games and have fun. Many of the children you will help send to VBS live in slums. They are forced to work from a young age and they have experienced many difficulties in life. At VBS, these children will learn about Jesus — the ultimate source of joy! But they also will be able to have fun with children their own age. For these few days, they will be allowed to simply be kids.

Join together with children in India by learning and playing a few popular Indian games like Nondi (hopscotch), five stones, and for the older kids, Satoliya — a game that’s similar to dodgeball and often played using rolled up coconut leaves.

4. They love to learn more about Jesus

VBS is a fun and exciting way for kids to learn the Gospel message! In India, numerous children have never heard of a God who loves them. This is an exciting revelation, and it can completely change their lives! Not only will they spend three days learning about Jesus, but they also will receive a Bible workbook they can take home and share with others.

Give an underprivileged kid a chance to learn what true love is by sending a child to VBS!

The people of India are desperate for a message of hope and love. And sending one child to Vacation Bible School can impact an entire community! But because of rampant poverty in India, countless children can’t afford to attend.

That’s where you and your kids come in. For just $5, you can send one Indian child to this three-day event that will have a positive impact on his life.

Together with your family, your small group, or your congregation, you can be the hands and feet of Jesus and help introduce children to God’s Word for the first time! Your gift will provide a life-changing experience, food, and a Bible-workbook for the child to take home. Vacation Bible School is a chance to help kids in some of India’s poorest communities. It is a chance for you to make an impact that will last for eternity.

This summer, pray for these children as they encounter the Gospel for the first time — your $5 can change a child’s life forever.


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