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4 Ways to Pray for Rwanda

Blog Team
Apr 27, 2014


For 100 days starting in April 1994, a darkness unfolded in Rwanda that permeated the soul of every citizen … a subjugation of human rights severe enough to earn Rwanda a front page in world history.

Despite the horror of the Rwandan genocide, the country has risen from a place most would think impossible. Now, it is a nation praised for its model of forgiveness, reconciliation, and forward progress. Only by the power of God’s working can such a movement come.

Rwanda is still in the thick of a battle for healing, but God is orchestrating every step of the way. Our prayers are vibrant threads He uses to weave together healing and hope in Rwanda’s rich tapestry. Each one matters — in 1994, today, and tomorrow.

Will you join this miraculous healing with your prayers? Here are four ways to pray for Rwanda’s present and future . . .

1. Pray for genocide survivors.

Provide help and hope to Rwandans and others in need!
Countless Rwandans are still recovering from the genocide

Pray for the endurance of those who have chosen to forgive. For the comfort of those living in the bitterness of sorrow, still struggling to forgive. For those left vulnerable — widows, orphans, and those inflicted with scars that bring fresh emotional trauma on a daily basis.

2. Pray for genocide offenders.

Their actions cannot be forgotten . . . but they can be forgiven — by God and their peers. Pray that they would repent and allow forgiveness into their lives and rest in the promise of God’s love for them.

3. Pray for God’s provision.

Provide help and hope to Rwandans and others in need!
Many men, women, and children in Rwanda are living in poverty

Rwanda has come a long way since the devastating genocide 30 years ago, but millions of people are struggling to survive every day. Food shortages and growing unemployment have plunged many families into poverty.

Please pray that God would provide essentials in Rwanda and place this urgent need on the hearts of His children.

4. Pray for continued healing.

Pray that hearts will be softened, and more Rwandans will choose to fight for reconciliation. Pray for national leaders who will promote peace and equality. Pray for individuals, communities, and organizations working to cultivate greater hope in Rwanda.

Pray also that God will continue to mobilize men and women to serve as His hands and feet on the ground in Rwanda . . . and that the Gospel will be shared.

Finally, thank God for what has been accomplished in the last three decades under His loving care — widespread reconciliation that can only be inspired by the Holy Spirit’s power. Praise Him for His purpose for the people of Rwanda, and that He will never leave them or forsake them.

Provide help and hope to Rwandans and others in need!
You can provide lifesaving help and hope in Rwanda

God is still working in Rwanda, healing hearts and comforting survivors. He also knows many Rwandans aren’t just afflicted with mental hardships — they’re also struggling to survive. He sees every one of these needs, and that’s why He instructs His children to care for those who are impoverished and suffering … in Rwanda and all around the world.

As you take time to pray, will you also give a gift and help do God’s work in Rwanda and other nations worldwide? Just $24 will provide lifesaving essentials like food, clothing, God’s Word, and more for two people in need.

With your support, you can be an enduring reminder of God’s comforting love to men, women, and children in need.


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