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Advocacy4 min read


5 reasons I’m taking a one-night stand for freedom

May 04, 2017

Men and women around the country will be taking a one-night stand for freedom Friday, May 19 … and I’m planning to be one of them.

This means I’ll be giving up one night of entertainment and donating that money to help one girl escape a life in the sex industry. I’ll be joining with others around the nation as they give up their usual Friday night events for the sake of a cause much greater.

Freedom Friday is an opportunity to acknowledge there is a battle raging for freedom … and you are standing on the frontlines.

Here are 5 reasons I’m taking a one-night stand for freedom:

1. Awareness

You might wonder what difference one night can really make. How can a one-night stand for freedom even put a dent in the suffering of the millions who are bound to this lifestyle?

Taking a one-night stand is choosing to be a voice for those whose voices have been silenced for far too long. You have the opportunity to be a leader in your community — to educate, to engage, and to inspire others to get involved in the fight against sexual slavery.

The fight for freedom begins with awareness.

2. Engagement

Freedom Friday reminds us that there are girls’ futures at stake … and that we have the power to change the destiny of future generations.

Whether it’s dinner out with friends, pizza and a movie, or a family game of putt-putt, these weekend activities are often the moments we choose to unplug and forget.

But on Freedom Friday, we are choosing to remember and to act.

3. Combat Spiritual Darkness

Freedom Friday is an opportunity to come together with family and friends — away from our normal distractions — for a night of powerful intercession on behalf of girls trapped in the sex industry.

Prayer is the single most powerful way to break the chains of slavery and there’s no better time to start than now.

4. Solidarity

The people trapped in the sex industry are not just young women and girls living across the globe. They are fellow daughters of God who are suffering beyond what most of us can imagine. It’s easy to numb ourselves to their suffering, or to push it out of our minds entirely, but the reality still remains: our freedom is inextricably linked to theirs.

The fight for freedom isn’t a fight for strangers … it’s a fight for our own sisters in Christ. And they will never find their freedom unless enough people come together and demand it.

Solidarity is a powerful thing — it’s what brings healing, justice, and lasting change to the oppressed. While it’s tempting to push the suffering o­­f our sisters out of our minds, the reality still remains: their freedom is our responsibility.

5. Freedom

As followers of Jesus, we are called to fight for freedom.

Through Christ, we experience the kind of freedom that extends beyond our circumstances — the freedom of knowing who we are and to Whom we truly belong. This is what transforms souls … and it’s at the very heart of our anti-trafficking efforts.

By taking part in Freedom Friday, you are supporting programs that bring girls out of a life of sexual slavery through education and vocational training. And even more importantly, you are giving these girls the opportunity to learn about their true worth and identity as precious daughters of God.

You are giving the kind of freedom that can never be taken away.

Her freedom is your fight. Will you join me May 19 and take a one-night stand?

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