The world has changed dramatically over the past few weeks.
Businesses are closing up shop and sending employees home to work. Schools have canceled classes. Parents are trying to figure out a new routine with their kids at home all day. And many church services around the country are on hold for the foreseeable future.
During this time of “social distancing,” it’s easy to feel alone and disconnected. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos, the latest shortage at the grocery store, or the number of new coronavirus cases.
Although your church may cancel services over the next few weeks, you still have the power of praying together. After all, the church is the body of believers … not the building.

Here are five ways you, as a church, can still pray during this global crisis:
Pray for the sick
With over 400,000 confirmed cases now, the coronavirus has affected many people around the world. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those who are currently sick and battling this terrible illness. Only the Lord can bring complete healing … and He is able!
Pray for healthcare workers
Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals don’t have the luxury of working from home. Instead, they’re on the front lines every single day. Hospitals are flooded with coronavirus victims and those who still need testing. But these men and women are working with limited supplies and equipment. They need strength to do their jobs, and they need protection. Pray for their health and safety throughout the coming weeks.
Pray for your community
With so many businesses closing temporarily, many people are out of a job. Some businesses aren’t sure if they’ll ever be able to reopen their doors. Local churches like yours and organizations like ours are struggling greatly now that giving has drastically decreased. And many children’s educations have been put on hold or switched to a format that may be more challenging for them. Your local community needs your prayers now more than ever. Pray for the Lord to stabilize and sustain your community during these uncertain times.
Pray for peace
You may not be able to sit in a pew at church this week. Still, you can have peace, even in the midst of a pandemic. Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God … will guard your hearts and your minds.” (NIV) Call up a friend today and remind him or her of this truth. Seek out ways to especially show kindness to those who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that are even more challenging during times like these. And pray for God to fill you with His peace today.
Pray for a spirit of generosity across the nation
Despite the uncertainty brought on by the coronavirus, one thing is certain: Impoverished people around the world are still struggling to survive. They still need food, clean water, and medicine, among other things. Plus, there are now thousands of people in our own nation who are out of work due to the coronavirus and are struggling to get by. Pray that we all respond to this crisis with a spirit of kindness and generosity, doing what we can to help those who needs are even greater than our own.

It’s unclear how long this deadly virus outbreak will last. Scientists, researchers, and doctors are working quickly to find a cure. In the meantime, you can pray from the safety of your home. You can pray for healing, for protection, and for peace.
And you can give.
Every $8 you give is enough to help rescue one person with critical aid. And thanks to generous World Help board members, your gift will be matched up to $180,000, so you can help twice as many people.
World Help is currently working with churches here in the U.S. to deliver emergency food and hygiene kits to people most affected by COVID-19. Of course, we’re also still responding around the globe to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable people.
But we desperately need your help.
Like many other organizations, World Help is feeling the effects of the coronavirus, too. All fundraisers and special events are now canceled … and that means a budget shortfall of $2.3 million. Without the help of you and others who are in a position to give, the number of people helped will be greatly reduced.
Will you take a few moments and look beyond the headlines and all the bad news? When you donate today, you can give someone the best news of all — that help is on the way.
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