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6 ways to teach children about Christian persecution

Emily Towns
Oct 22, 2017

It’s not easy to teach children about the suffering in our world. Sometimes it’s difficult enough for adults to understand! But as this year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church draws near, we are asking your family to join the global church body as we pray for our brothers and sisters facing persecution. And that includes your children!

Scripture emphasizes the importance of passing on the testimony of what God has done to the next generation. The International Day of Prayer is the perfect chance to share with your kids what God is doing around the world in the midst of great suffering.

Here are six ways to include your children as you observe the International Day of Prayer:

1) Use this children’s prayer guide

Along with the other prayer resources we have made available, the children’s prayer sheet will introduce your children to the stories of persecuted boys and girls from around the world.

2) Relate persecution to kids’ own experiences

Children may be able to understand the struggle of persecution better than you think. Have they ever been bullied or seen someone bullied in school? Have they ever been treated badly for something? Using their own experiences can help them understand what life is like for persecuted children.

3) Remind them we are family

The Bible tells us that anyone who accepts Christ is part of God’s family. That means those persecuted Christians around the world are our brothers and sisters! It’s easier for children to remember those suffering across the globe when they think of them as family.

4) Choose a country to focus on

Teach children what life is like for Christians in a specific persecuted country. Choose one of the 12 countries listed here and dedicate time as a family to praying for the believers who live there. 

5) Show them how to help — Bibles are only $10!

One way to develop a heart for hurting people is through giving. It takes $10 to send a Bible to a persecuted believer — an amount that even a child can give! Work with your children to save money and send Bibles to people in places such as North Korea and India.

6) Remind them there is always hope in Christ

The topic of persecution can be a heavy one. Remind them that God is always with us and our persecuted brothers and sisters, even in times of trouble. Pray together that Christians around the world will hold on to that truth. Pray that those who persecute them will hear the Gospel and come to know Jesus.

This International Day of Prayer, you have the opportunity to support the persecuted church while teaching the next generation more about God.

Although some of the stories coming from oppressed nations are incredibly painful, there are even more amazing stories of God using the Bible to encourage believers and reach the lost. Take the chance to share those stories with your children.


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