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Gift Catalog8 min read


7 Unique Gifts to Send Christmas Cheer Around the World

Blog Team
Oct 26, 2023


Are you struggling to find the perfect Christmas gift for that person who already has everything or looking to make a difference with your Christmas giving this year?

Look no further than the World Help Christmas Giving catalog! All you need to do is choose how you want to help people in poverty around the globe. You can even give on behalf of a loved one!

Here are the most popular gifts from the World Help Christmas Giving Catalog: 

Clean Water

World Help Christmas Giving Catalog
People can grow crops and care for livestock with clean water

You can transform the life of an entire community this Christmas by giving clean water to someone in need.

The water you provide will prevent water-borne illnesses, allow businesses to flourish, and so much more. Plus, it’s only $15 to provide someone with clean water for an entire YEAR!


World Help Christmas Giving Catalog
Caring for a goat will help children develop a sense of responsibility

Did you know one goat produces one ton of nutrient dense milk in a year? Goat milk is full of calcium and other important vitamins, which makes it life-changing for a family living in poverty.

And if you give a goat to a family in need, they can turn what they don’t use into cheese, butter, or yogurt to sell at their local market. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!


Creating new market opportunities will help communities thrive

Chickens remain one of our most popular gifts each year.

Why? Because one chicken produces 200 eggs every year! Eggs introduce a great source of protein into someone’s diet, extra eggs can be sold for additional income, and the fertilizer chickens provide is especially valuable in helping families grow more of their own food.

Ship Lifesaving Aid

Meeting someone’s physical needs will demonstrate the love of Christ to them

For people living in poverty, basic essentials like food and clothing can feel out of reach.

But when you give to help ship lifesaving aid around the world, you can help close that gap and know you’re making a huge impact. Every dollar you give multiplies 16x! That means for just $30, you’ll help ship $480 worth of aid like food, clothing, medical supplies, and more to meet urgent needs worldwide.


Pastors can get to remote villages to spread the Gospel on a bike like this!

People in poverty or living in remote areas of the world often don’t have any form of transportation. It’s challenging to get to work, school, church, or rush to the hospital when an emergency arises.

But when you buy someone a bike this holiday season, you’ll open doors! You’ll make it possible for them to get to work or school and make sure they have a mode of transportation when they need it most.

Vocational Training

You can help people secure dignified jobs by giving them the tools they need to complete their education

Education is a luxury that numerous people around the world can’t afford … but without it, people often struggle to find jobs that will allow them to provide for their families.

You can provide someone with vocational training to help them learn a marketable skill they can use to break the cycle of poverty.


Each Bible you give is shared with friends and family — impacting up to five people

In Bible deserts around the world, people have never heard about God’s love because there are no copies of Scripture in their native language. Some people simply can’t afford their own Bible or don’t have access to God’s Word because of persecution.

You can help someone learn about the true reason for the season by distributing Bibles worldwide.

Looking for even more ideas? Shop these gifts and more by browsing the World Help Christmas Giving catalog!


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