During my trip to the Bahamas to assess storm damage, I met a little boy named Johnero.
When Hurricane Dorian hit, 9-year-old Johnero was at home playing with his toys. Suddenly, his sister ran into the room, shouting that the door to their house had blown off. As Johnero and his family ran for cover, Hurricane Dorian began to tear apart their home … and the entire island.
Few were truly prepared for the destruction Hurricane Dorian would unleash on the Bahamas, and the screaming winds and rushing waters were just the beginning of the nightmare.
When the door to Johnero’s house blew away, he, his parents, and his older sister’s family fled to his grandmother’s home.
They hoped they would be safe there, but soon water began pouring in. Although the wind was tearing roof tiles off the home, they knew that “up” would be the safest way to go. Together, the family huddled in the rafters as the water rose beneath them.
It was terrifying, but somehow, they all survived. But now their question is, “What’s next?”
As the waters receded, Johnero’s family dealt with the grief of neighbors who were missing or dead and their home that was destroyed. What parts of their house were still standing were covered in mildew and rapidly decaying.
Johnero’s parents, Julie and Theophilus, had made their living running a food truck. Now, that food truck was gone. Still, they were thankful to be alive.

While other family members have traveled to safer parts of the islands, Johnero and his parents have decided to stay put.
“We thank God for life,” his dad said. “We stay here to try and do what we can, try to get our home back together.”
They are not alone. Right now, temporary shelters across the Bahamas are full of families who are looking for ways to rebuild. And the need is even more urgent after Tropical Storm Humberto halted relief efforts last week.
Survivors of Hurricane Dorian need food, water, generators, and clean clothes. In order to rebuild their lives, they first need to survive the coming weeks.
For just $50, you can help provide lifesaving aid for someone like Johnero and his family. In one day, they lost everything — their home, their belongings, their jobs, and even some friends and family members. But your gift can give them the tools they need to survive and eventually recover.
And right now, your donation will be DOUBLED up to $60,000 thanks to a matching gift — allowing you to help twice as many people in desperate need.
Please give today and help a family like Johnero’s start again.