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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Sponsorship Brings Hope to Entire Families

Amanda Mattingly
Aug 08, 2014

His father left the family many years ago . . . Satish was only a small boy at the time. His mother was forced to care for their beloved son all on her own while also caring for their other children. Everyday life was a struggle . . . even the smallest of things. Without a permanent home, the family was often forced to live unprotected from the hazardous weather conditions in Indore, India.

sponsor a child in India

Many days, Satish’s mother was not even able to provide basic items such as clothing and food for her children, let alone pay the necessary fees to send them to school. Their situation was truly heartbreaking and they were desperate for help. “After my husband left us, I struggled so much and lost all my hope. I was not able to send our children to school with my little income,” Satish’s mother said.

Can you imagine, just for a moment, what this must feel like as a parent—to not have the opportunity to even provide your children with an education because you can barely manage to provide food for them?

Uganda Child Sponsorship

It’s easy to see the desperation in a story like this, but there’s also so much hope and faithfulness to be found for both this mother and her children. We can see a woman that is truly dedicated to her family. She worked tirelessly as a laborer in this poverty-stricken village in Indore. Still, she was unwavering in her efforts to provide for her children and give them a chance for a better life through education. She was hopeful that the Lord would provide a way.

India child sponsorship

Now, thanks to the incredible ministry of World Help sponsors in Indore, her prayers were finally answered. Satish had the opportunity to attend school where he received a quality education . . . an opportunity that has completely changed his life and impacted his whole family. Satish has worked diligently in his studies and recently completed his senior year of high school, receiving scores in the first division in his area. Because of the education he received through sponsorship, he is now empowered to pursue his college degree.

“This is a very big miracle in my life. I thank God from the depth of my heart, for he enabled me to complete 12th grade with a good percentage,” Satish said. “And I want to say thank you so much to my sponsor for their support and help.”

Whether you are currently a sponsor or are thinking about sponsoring a child . . . know that it is a decision which will impact not only a child living in impoverished conditions, but also a family. Just like with Satish and his mother, sponsorship provided this young boy with greater opportunities and basic necessities, while also helping support a mother who was struggling to provide for all of her children. Sponsorship was an answer to her prayers . . . it was the answer to prayer that brought a more promising future for her son.

Rwanda Child Sponsorship

Making the decision to sponsor a child affects an entire family. It provides essential needs that were previously not readily available for a child and allows parents to rest in the hope of a better future for their children. It is an investment that makes an impact on so many levels.

Sponsor a child . . . and give a family just like yours a reason to hope again.

Sponsor a Child


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