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Child Sponsorship3 min read


Reflections on Sponsorship from Uganda

Amanda Mattingly
Jul 07, 2015

Child advocacy and sponsorship is something I’m truly passionate about and believe it makes a life-changing difference. I was in Uganda recently, and God spoke to me the most through the hope and joy I saw in so many faces at our children’s programs at Good Samaritan School and Destiny Children’s Home, as well as in the faces of some of the parents I had the opportunity to meet.

When visiting a third-world country, it’s easy to focus on the poverty that may be evident. But merely focusing on the poverty can blind us from seeing the hope, dignity, love, and joy that is just as prominent if we allow God to show us His work throughout the nation. While there, it was clear to see how happy the children were to be in school and have the opportunities only made available to them through sponsorship.

Sharing hope in Uganda - World Help

One of my favorite parts of the trip was the day we were able to visit Isaac’s family. Isaac is part our sponsorship program at Good Samaritan School and will also be an upcoming choir member for the 2015-2016 Children of the World tour. Isaac grew up in Nazigo Community in Uganda where his family earns their income through sustenance farming.

Spending time with Isaac and his family was an amazing experience. There was so much pride in his parents’ eyes as they gave us a tour of their home, showed us their livestock, and shared how it took Isaac’s father 12 years to build the home they are now living in as compared to the home where they previously lived.

Uganda poverty - World HelpIsaac’s former home

Through the years, his father saved the money they earned through their farming to purchase the materials needed and slowly began building their home step-by-step. Twelve years of saving and persevering through the manual labor . . . it very clearly spoke of the love he has for his family and the passion and strength to provide for them.

Nazigo School Building

Not only did we have the opportunity to spend time with this incredible family, we also stopped by the local school in Nazigo Community, where Isaac attended before enrolling at Good Samaritan School. The dilapidated school building was essentially a couple of small rooms held together by patch-worked wooden planks and a rusty metal roof, crammed full with studying children. It was a rewarding experience to see the school and community Isaac came from and where he is now thanks to the sponsorship program that is providing him with even greater opportunities.

Students at school in Nazigo

Ultimately, now that I am back and sifting through my photos and remembering the experiences while in Uganda, I can’t stop thinking about how much hope and joy I saw in the faces of all of the people I met, just like Isaac and his family. It was incredible to meet the administrators at our sponsorship programs and see the genuine passion and love they have for the work they’re doing to care for these children.

The boys and girls I met were all eager to share about what they were learning in school and even what they want to be when they grow up . . . teachers, doctors, tailors, pastors, and even social workers so they can help other children in their communities. Sponsorship brings hope to children’s lives, those that care for them, and even entire families. The programs I visited in Uganda are preparing these children with a quality education that will empower them to build a brighter future they never dreamed possible.

Sharing Hope in Uganda with World Help

I was able to see the impact of sponsorship firsthand and it is truly life-changing. Hope, love, joy, promising futures . . . that’s what sponsorship is all about. And sponsors, this is what you are . . . hope to future generations. Thank you for the incredible impact you are making in children’s lives around the world. You are truly providing help for today and hope for tomorrow.



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