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Merry Christmas from the World Help Family

Vernon Brewer
Dec 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from the entire World Help team. We are grateful for your partnership with us in 2015 to reach lives with help and hope.

This time of year, I’m always reminded of the redeeming hope we have in Jesus Christ. What would our lives look like without a Savior? We would be completely lost. But through the birth of His Son, we will always have a reason to hope.

And in our celebration, let’s not forget those living in despair right now—particularly displaced families in Iraq and Syria.

Merry Christmas From Iraq | Vernon Brewer on Vimeo

The Middle East needs the hope of Christ. And who better to share this message with them than the Church? Please consider what you can do to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these broken families, children, and entire communities.

May the love, joy, peace, and hope we have received through the promise of the Messiah overflow into the lives of those who need it the most right now. 

Christmas was always meant to change the world.



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