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Help and Hope for 2016

Blog Team
Jan 01, 2016

Happy New Year from all of us at World Help!

As another year of providing help and hope draws to a close, we want to say thank you. Thank you for standing with us in the trenches. Thank you for helping us rescue children, plant churches, and give clean water. Thank you for caring about refugees and the hurting people around the world. Thank you for allowing us to impact millions of lives in 2015.

Middle East Refugee Crisis - World Help

We are so grateful for you and what your partnership enables us to accomplish.

Looking back on 2015, we’re humbled at everything God has allowed us to achieve this year. We know that nothing we have done would be possible without God’s providence and your continued investment.

Here’s a quick recap of some of the things we’ve accomplished with your help this year:

  • 7,382 new churches were launched in some of the hardest-to-reach areas of Guatemala, India, Nepal, China, Turkey, and Cuba.
  • We provided 42 containers filled with $14 million worth of life-saving supplies to Guatemala, Honduras, Iraq, Jordan, Nepal, and Zimbabwe.
  • 50 new water projects began in India, Uganda, Guatemala, Peru, and Nepal, impacting more than 120,000 lives.
  • Our partners rescued more than 300 children, giving them the opportunity for a healthy future.
  • In Nepal, we provided clean water, nutritious meals, shelter, medicine, and other critical aid following the earthquakes, impacting more than 120,000 people in more than 8 districts.
  • We distributed more than 60,000 Bibles around the world.
  • More than 94,000 lives were impacted in Iraq through aid distribution, mobile medical clinics, church planting, education, and Bible distribution.

Thank you for making 2015 a year that changed millions of lives around the world.

Rebuild Rwanda - World Help

Where God moves, we will follow—even to the ends of the earth. Will you continue partnering with us in 2016? We know that together, we can accomplish great things for the Kingdom—but we can’t do it without your help!

As 2016 marks World Help’s 25th anniversary, we are hopeful—expectant—for God to open doors and pull down barriers that only He can.

We are grateful that God allows us to work for His Glory.

India Child Sponsorship

Join us as we continue making a difference for people around the world in 2016—your partnership has the power to change lives for eternity!



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