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Clean Water3 min read


The ‘miracle’ of clean water means Julitha can enjoy church again

Blog Team
Jun 18, 2021

You probably don’t consider turning on your faucet at home and water coming out as a miracle.

But for people like Julitha living in impoverished villages, having easy access to clean water is often beyond their wildest dreams.

Julitha lives in a remote village in the mountains of Tanzania. Since her husband left, she’s had to raise five children on her own. Collecting water for six people takes a lot of time, so Julitha often struggled to make it to church on time each week.

Her Sunday mornings were spent carrying heavy jugs back to her home instead.

And after all that work, the water she collected wasn’t even clean. Plus, it was never enough for all of her children to drink and have enough left over to water their family’s garden.

This meant Julitha also struggled to make a decent living since her community’s economy is built around agriculture and she didn’t have enough water to keep her crops healthy.

Julitha’s family was suffering both physically and spiritually because of the lack of clean water.

But today, those problems have been solved. Julitha’s entire village — more than 5,000 people — now have access to safe, clean water.

“It is a miracle having water within our community,” Julitha said. “Our lives have changed.”

Julitha and her children can now spend more time in church. Not to mention, they and the other community members also have plenty of water to grow vegetables and flowers to sell for a living.

In fact, they are doing so well that they are using some of their income to give back by buying chairs and other furnishings for the church!

Clean water is a lifesaver for so many reasons. And because wells are often dug near local churches, they can open the door for people to hear the Gospel when they collect water, too.

Click below to learn more about how you can provide clean water for people like Julitha, giving them physical help and spiritual hope.

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