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Bibles for All3 min read


Urav’s life completely changed when he received a Bible

Megan Gingerich
Feb 02, 2022

Urav was under immense stress every day to provide for his family.

After losing his source of income, providing for his mother and four siblings felt impossible. The entire family was fighting to survive, and having six mouths to feed with no income wasn’t an easy task.

As the primary provider for his family, all the pressure fell on Urav’s shoulders. He felt so lost and hopeless that he was contemplating ending his own life.

Then, learning about Jesus transformed Urav’s life.

Urav accepted the Good News of the Gospel and vowed to follow Christ, even though becoming a Christian in the South Asian country where Urav lives can be dangerous. In fact, we’ve had to change his name to keep him safe.

But Jesus gave Urav the courage to overcome any fear of persecution, overcome his financial situation and, most importantly, saved his life. Urav discovered his identity and renewed purpose in Christ.

After accepting Christ into his life, Urav wanted to know more about Jesus. He also longed to share his newfound hope with his family — but where to begin? Like many people in South Asia, Urav had never owned or even read the Bible himself.

Without his own copy, he could only rely on the knowledge and teaching of others. Urav was eager to make his faith his own and begin studying the Bible independently.

Thankfully, World Help donors provided Urav with his own Bible to help him grow in his relationship with the Lord.

Now, Urav is reading the Bible with his entire family. Together, they are all growing closer to God.

Times are still tough for Urav, but now he has hope for a better tomorrow. Empowered by the power of the Gospel, he was able to open a small tea shop that now supports the family.

Since opening the shop, Urav and his mother, brothers, and sisters are doing much better. Best of all, they are learning about Christ and reading the Bible each day.

You can help provide God’s Word for people like Urav every month by becoming a Bibles for All Ambassador.

When you do, your impact will multiply because the Bibles you give will most likely be shared among friends and family — impacting at least five people! One Bible can have an incredible impact, just like it did for Urav’s family.

Click the button below to learn more about how you can help spread God’s Word around the globe.

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