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Where Needed Most4 min read


From the Field: Daisy’s son was killed in the local dump — here’s why

My recent trip to Honduras was an experience I will never forget.

I was completely overwhelmed by the level of extreme poverty I saw. Children living on the streets. Shelters in slum communities that could barely pass as homes. And then there was the local trash dump …

People like Daisy resort to digging through this dump in hopes of finding something to sell. But your one-time gift can help make all the difference for people like her both in Honduras and around the globe.

Watch this video to hear Daisy’s story:

I already knew that many people in impoverished communities scavenge landfills out of desperation. But I didn’t realize how dangerous it could be.

You see, Daisy would often bring her children with her to the dump. They’d spend hours picking through old wrappers, plastics, and every kind of filth imaginable, just searching for recyclables that could be sold for a bit of money.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck one day during the family’s usual outing.

A truck driver was also working in the dump, maneuvering his vehicle around piles of garbage … and he failed to see one of Daisy’s little boys.

As Daisy told me how her son died that day, I couldn’t help but notice his picture on the wall of her home. I can’t imagine the pain she must feel or how difficult life must be for this single mother of five children.

Because Daisy’s son isn’t the first family member she has lost.

Her first husband died in an electrical accident. Daisy eventually remarried, but her second husband also passed away after eating some spoiled food he’d found at the dump. It’s been one tragedy after another.

Thankfully, generous World Help donors have helped meet this family’s daily needs. They now have plenty of nutritious food, and Daisy’s children are even attending school and dreaming about their futures.

But others like Daisy are still waiting for help to arrive.

More families in Honduras are still digging through the trash. Disaster victims around the world are struggling to put food on the table. And persecuted believers in countries like North Korea and Iran are begging for the comfort of God’s Word.

Will you take action and help them today?

Every $14 you give will help meet one person’s most immediate needs. Your gift will help provide essentials like food, clean water, medical care, warm blankets and clothing, God’s Word, and so much more. Plus, your generosity will be a powerful example of Christ’s love.

Families like Daisy’s desperately need your support to survive.

Please give as generously as you can.

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