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What Difference Does our Medical Emergency Fund Really Make?

Melissa Schultz
Apr 03, 2016

What happens when your child has a serious medical emergency, but you live in a developing country and can’t afford treatment?

All too often, poverty turns easily treatable conditions into death sentences. Parents are forced to watch as their children suffer without any hope of healing. World Help believes every child deserves the chance to live a healthy life.

The Medical Emergency Fund (MEF) is specifically designated to help children who require more expensive, emergency treatment than our national partners or sponsorship programs can provide.

When our partners alert us that a child needs urgent help, the MEF lets them immediately pay for much-needed operations, treatment, therapy, or medications.

World Help Medical Emergency Fund

Maybe you remember Sanju’s story.

Several years ago, Sanju was involved in an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He was immediately taken to the hospital for emergency surgery, but as complications and corrective surgeries multiplied, the medical bills began to pile up.

Sanju’s family soon became overwhelmed with medical bills they could not afford. Fortunately, through supplemental help provided by supporters like you, all of Sanju’s medical expenses were paid in full through the MEF, alleviating the burden of debt for his parents.

Recently, Sanju underwent another terrifying ordeal when a bedsore on his leg quickly developed into a severe, life-threatening infection.

Our partner in Nepal immediately took him to the hospital, and because of the funds you were able to provide through World Help’s Medical Emergency Fund, he received the care he needed.


“Sanju is improving day by day,” said our partner. “Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. Sanju’s life has been in a very critical situation two times. If there was no one to help in those times, we cannot say what would have happened to him. Because of your prayers and financial support, Sanju has new life again. Your investment for Sanju is not in vain.”

The MEF is a ray of hope for children whose lives and futures hang in the balance—children like Sanju.

After his recovery, Sanju sent his thanks to our donors and World Help:

“I am Sanju Tamang. Thank you very much for your prayer and financial support for my surgery again. I am improving from my bedsore. I cannot repay you back for what you have done for me but I want to let you know that I pray for you and for your family. I give thanks to God and that He has given me love, care, and concern. I will never forget what you have done for me. May God repay you back abundantly! Your loving child, Sanju.”

Support for the Medical Emergency Fund empowers our national partners to put their love for Jesus Christ in action—reaching out to the broken, the hurting, and the needy in their own communities.


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