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A year in review: Here’s how you provided help and hope in 2022

Blog Team
Jan 07, 2023


Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year?

Before you settle into those plans to “read more” or “eat healthier,” take a moment to reflect on all you accomplished last year. It’s worth celebrating!

Here are some ways world changers like you made a difference in 2022:

You helped introduce women to freedom

Your generosity allowed young women and girls to escape the sex industries of India and Thailand

Poverty pushes many women in India and Thailand to do the unthinkable — sell their bodies to survive. Kantina, whose name has been changed for her privacy, was one of these women.

Katina had no college degree or vocational training, so after her husband left, she became a sex worker to provide for her three children. Thankfully, donors like you stepped in to help!

Your generosity connected Kantina with our partner, and at age 40, she began to learn new marketable skills that would finally allow her to escape a life of abuse and exploitation. Now, Kantina is a well-known baker in her community. The income she earns from her banana cakes supports herself, her children, and her grandchild.

Last year, World Help donors helped countless women escape the sex industry by providing them with a safe place to live, education, and much more!

You helped plant churches

By helping plant churches, you played a role in more people hearing the Good News in 2022

You may not have traveled the globe in 2022, but your gifts helped spread the Gospel thousands of miles away.

Pastors and missionaries in impoverished communities often don’t have the resources to expand their ministries. However, thanks to your generous support, you helped provide them with Bibles, training materials, and even transportation so they could reach more people in places like China, Cuba, and South Asia.

Last year, you helped plant 885 churches and provided pastoral training to church leaders in Guatemala, Cuba, South Asia, and Nicaragua so that more people can hear the Good News and experience God’s love.

You helped distribute God’s Word

Each Bible you sent last year impacted up to five people!

Every time you gave to distribute Bibles in 2022, you made an eternal impact on the lives of people like Rishi.

Rishi is from the Santali Adivasi tribal group in South Asia, where it can be extremely dangerous to follow Christ. For that reason, we’ve changed his name to protect him. When Rishi first heard the Gospel, he had little interest in learning more. But he couldn’t seem to forget what he had heard.

He began to reach out to other Christ-followers to learn more about Jesus. Soon after, Rishi was ready to commit his life to Christ — he just needed a Bible. Thankfully, generous donors like you helped meet that need by giving him his very own copy of God’s Word!

Last year, your gifts sent 56,003 copies of God’s Word to Christ-followers and seekers around the globe.

You helped ship lifesaving aid

Your gifts of lifesaving aid were the difference between life and death for people struggling to survive

Not only did the World Help family meet spiritual needs last year, but they also rushed in to help provide urgent physical aid.

As you know, the Russian invasion last February displaced millions of Ukrainian families in a matter of days. Shortages and soaring food prices pushed many people even closer to starvation. And natural disasters like Hurricane Ian devastated entire communities overnight.

But your gifts in 2022 made all the difference! Because of you, struggling men, women, and children received lifesaving aid in their darkest hour.

Last year, you helped mobilize 93 shipments filled with over $20 million worth of lifesaving supplies! These containers provided food, shelter, and more for 141,373 refugees and distributed more than 11 million meals to starving people.

You gave your time and energy

Every hour you volunteered last year impacted approximately 81 people!

Finally, we can’t forget about our volunteers!

Whether you volunteered at the old warehouse or the new Aid & Relief distribution center, the time you spent sorting clothes and shoes, packing hygiene kits, and helping in other ways made an incredible impact around the world.

By giving your time and energy, you helped provide critical supplies for starving families, disaster victims, impoverished communities, and so many others!

Last year, volunteers like you served a total of 4,600 hours. You helped mobilize 93 shipments filled with over $20 million worth of emergency aid to 16 different countries, providing help and hope for 940,448 people!

Choosing to be a world changer is one of the best decisions you made in 2022.

Thank you to everyone who helped meet the most urgent physical and spiritual needs of people around the globe. No matter how you chose to make an impact, you did something that will outlive you and last for eternity!


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