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Mother’s Day: A Gift She’ll Deeply Cherish

Blog Team
May 02, 2016

Mother’s Day is less than a week away . . . but don’t panic. There’s still time to give her something more meaningful than you ever have before.

What better way to show your appreciation than to live out what she taught you? This year, give your mom a gift that will not only tell her how much you love her, but it will also provide hope and comfort to someone who urgently needs it.

Through our Safe Motherhood Initiative, you can give a gift in honor of your mom that will provide physical and emotional support for an Ethiopian mother living where no maternal healthcare exists . . . a mother who needs to know someone cares.

This Mother’s Day, give her something that reflects the transformative love she poured into your life . . . the love that made you who you are today.

Show your mom how profoundly she is cherished while furthering the powerful effect of her love in a broken community. There is no better way to celebrate your mother’s love than to let it transform the life of another mother in desperate need.



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