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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Child Sponsorship: An Unexpected Path to Deeper Faith

Jul 18, 2016

“God blessed me with two children who live on the other side of the world,” child sponsor, Pamela Baker said. “Thousands of miles separate us. Yet, in a surprisingly brief time, they became members of my family.”

The day Pamela made the decision to become a sponsor is one she’ll never forget. It wasn’t an impulsive or emotionally charged decision. She made the commitment to sponsor two children through God’s clear prompting.

As a steward of God’s gifted resources, I felt His guidance to use a portion of His blessings to sponsor two children who live in India. I believe that God gives us golden opportunities to demonstrate our faith, to grow in our love for Him and others. He may place those opportunities in our paths for only one single, precious moment. If we choose to reach out, to grasp that opportunity, He will lead us along that journey.



The moment Pamela committed to invest in two young lives, she felt her own life begin to change. Although living oceans apart, Bhim and Praveen quickly worked their way into the center of her heart.

“I think about what they are doing, if they are well, how one is doing in sports this year, if the other is enjoying school. I look forward so much to receiving their letters . . . we’re bonded in hearts and thoughts,” Pamela said.

But what Pamela didn’t expect was how much her faith would grow by choosing to become a sponsor.

My [sponsorship] journey has affirmed what God has taught me over many years. He affirmed that when we take new steps to go out of our way to help others, we learn some of His greatest, most significant lessons. God went out of His way to reach mankind. The Good Samaritan went out of his way to help a wounded stranger whom others passed by. When we open our eyes and hearts to His blessings wrapped as lessons, we receive a double portion of His gifts.”  

World Help India Sponsorship

Pamela’s sponsored children are a constant reminder to her to have childlike faith—something that has profoundly impacted her life.

“In pictures, I see their gentle smiles and trusting eyes. I’m reminded of God’s words ‘have the faith of a child.’ Though it’s unlikely that I will meet my sponsored children in this earthly life, I’m looking forward to greeting them in Heaven,” Pamela said.

Because of Pamela, Bhim and Praveen’s lives will never be the same. Although they were once confined to a life of scarcity and hopelessness, they are now healthy, thriving children filled with dreams of a bright future.

Through sponsorship, Bhim and Praveen now have access to basic medical care, nutritious meals, the opportunity to earn a quality education, and most importantly, a chance to hear the life-changing message of the Gospel.

“When you choose to make a genuine difference for one child, that choice will bless you more than you may know,” Pamela said. 

Choose to be the one to transform a child’s life today, and you may find that your life is the one most fully transformed.



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