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Check Out What the World Help Family Accomplished in 30 Days!

Blog Team
Jun 29, 2024


What are you most excited about this summer? Swimming? Cookouts? Fireworks? How about changing the world?

Oh, wait — you’re already doing that!

Check out all the ways you recently helped transform lives in just one month:

The World Help family helped provide essentials to civilians in Gaza …

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
Your support was a lifeline for people facing war in the Holy Land

The ongoing war in the Holy Land has displaced countless men, women, and children. Thankfully, you were there to help people in need!

Thanks to your support, a local Christian church in Gaza provided hundreds of hot meals to families seeking shelter from the violence. Members of the church also received much-needed emergency essentials!

Help displaced children from India attend school …

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
Because of your support, displaced children in Manipur now have a brighter future!

Last May, violent clashes broke out between two tribes in Manipur, India. Fueled by political tensions, Hindu extremists began attacking Christian villages, displacing many people from their homes. Most families escaped with only their lives and what they could carry.

To make matters worse, many of the displaced children haven’t been able to attend school in the year since they’d been driven from their homes.

But thanks to the World Help family, 12 children from Manipur recently received scholarships to attend school! Now, they’ll be able to earn an education and pursue their dreams for the future.

Packed and shipped lifesaving essentials overseas …

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
The lifesaving supplies you helped ship transformed lives worldwide

In just one month, you helped ship two containers filled with lifesaving aid overseas! These supplies helped 13,000 people in war-torn Ukraine and impoverished parts of Peru.

Plus, volunteers dedicated over 1,244 hours to sorting and packing essentials. Thank you for providing help and hope worldwide!

Provided the gift of clean water …

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
The gift of clean water was life-changing for many people in Nepal and Tanzania!

Communities in many parts of the world don’t have access to clean water. Rural and isolated areas are especially at risk and often forgotten. People who can’t get clean water suffer from the effects of dehydration and drinking contaminated water.

Thankfully, because of your generosity, two communities in Nepal and Tanzania now have clean water! The water projects you helped provide have brought safe and drinkable water to over 980 people.

Helped plant churches in Ukraine …

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
Thank you for helping fulfill the Great Commission in Ukraine!

With war still raging in Ukraine, people affected by constant fear and danger need comfort and peace more than ever. Thankfully, you’re helping spread the Good News of Christ to countless Ukrainians searching for hope.

Despite the tense situation in Ukraine, our partners are planting churches throughout the country because of your support. Now, men, women, and children can come to hear the Gospel and be encouraged by God’s Word.

Recently, one church celebrated its first baptismal service, where 10 new Christians were baptized!

… and helped fund a new youth program in India!

Check out how you helped change the world in just 30 days!
Young people in India are now gaining the skills to support themselves and their families

For families living without the essentials they need, it’s often difficult to break the cycle of poverty between generations. But your support is helping children in India beat the odds!

Thanks to your generosity, our partners launched a new program that equips young people in India with the training they need to start and maintain a goat farm. This new outreach will give dozens of men and women the skills to earn a living wage and provide for their families!

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to people in need worldwide. You are a world changer and a precious reminder of God’s love.

If you’d like to continue transforming lives, you can give again to provide lifesaving essentials to those who need it most!

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