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This Family Has Been Transforming Lives for Generations

Blog Team
Jul 17, 2024


When Cotton and Betsy Verhoeven first heard about World Help, they had no idea God was about to begin a work in them that would span three generations and last for over 25 years.

As a young couple, they were introduced to World Help through Kingdom Partners, a California-based group of men and women who are passionate about helping those in need.

Shortly after they met World Help’s founder Vernon Brewer, he invited them on a missions trip. Eager to start doing God’s Work, they accepted — and by the end of the trip, their lives had changed forever.

“Going to a third-world country and seeing the needs, our hearts were broken,” they said.

But Cotton and Betsy didn’t just keep God’s call to help hurting people to themselves. They also shared these needs with their children, including their daughter, Sarah.

A Shared Passion

This family has been transforming lives for generations!
After they returned from their missions trip, Cotton and Betsy were determined to help to people in need

Together, the Verhoeven family began working hard to help struggling men, women, and children around the world. They knew their gifts would provide lifesaving essentials to the people who needed them most.

The Verhoevens were so passionate about providing help and hope that Cotton eventually became a member of World Help’s Board of Directors, continuing to transform lives worldwide. But Cotton and Betsy’s support also made an impact closer to home — following God’s guidance brought their family closer together.

“We have seen God’s provision and experienced that helping others is our greatest blessing,” Cotton and Betsy said. “It gives our family a purpose that we can do together.”

Soon, their daughter Sarah also felt the call to do God’s work. She began giving regularly to help people in urgent need … but she didn’t stay quiet about her passion, either. encouraged her first-grade class to sponsor a little girl from Thailand together, inspiring them to become world changers, too! Today, Sarah also serves with her father as an Advisory Board member.

A Lasting Legacy

This family has been transforming lives for generations!
Three generations later, the Verhoeven family is still transforming lives worldwide!

Cotton and Betsy’s legacy of helping people in need has extended beyond what they ever imagined. It’s not just their children who have gotten involved — now, even their teenage grandchildren are excited about changing the world! They’re already making a difference by giving and attending World Help’s Global Impact Summit.

“Our children and now even our grandchildren have caught the vision,” Betsy and Cotton said. “They are involved in different ways, too.”

Thank you to Cotton, Betsy, Sarah, and the rest of the Verhoeven family for your dedication to providing help and hope and meeting urgent needs all around the world! You have truly made an eternal impact and transformed countless lives.

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