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Incoming: Your End of Summer Recap!

Blog Team
Sep 28, 2024

Can you believe that fall is right around the corner? Soon we’ll be enjoying cooler weather, apple picking, hayrides, and pumpkin pie.

To mark the end of summer, join us in celebrating what the World Help family has accomplished in just one month!

Here are six different ways you’ve recently provided help and hope around the globe:

The World Help family helped victims of war in the Holy Land …

Help people in the Holy Land
Thank you for providing help and hope to victims of war in the Holy Land

Next month will mark one year since Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and war broke out in the Holy Land. Over the last 11 months, almost 2 million people in Gaza have lost their homes and their livelihoods.

Through your generosity, our church partner in Gaza continues to provide thousands of meals each week to civilians. With no end to the war in sight, your support has been a lifeline for Gazan families in need.

Shipped four containers of critical aid overseas …

Every $1 you give ships $16 worth of aid
Every $1 you gave shipped $16 worth of lifesaving supplies

World changers like you shipped four containers of lifesaving aid to Colombia, Malawi, Peru, and Zimbabwe. These supplies will impact over 34,000 people like Marie!

Marie is a mother of four in Haiti. Due to an increase in gang activity, it’s been difficult to find basic necessities like food for her children. Marie feared that, without help, her kids would one day die of starvation.

Fortunately, someone like you stepped in to provide Marie and her family with fortified rice meals!

“[Receiving this food] gives me hope that someone cares about my family,” Marie said.

Completed three clean water projects …

Clean water can transform entire communities
Clean water has the power to transform entire communities

Your faithful giving recently helped complete three water projects in Honduras, Peru, and Nepal.

Now, more than 750 men, women, and children have access to safe water that they can drink, cook, and clean with!

And since wells are often built near churches, people can experience the Living Water while getting clean water for their families!

Provided emergency food to malnourished children …

You can help children on the bring of starvation
Nutritious food can be the difference between life and death for a child in need

Did you know that 50% of children in Guatemala suffer from chronic malnutrition? Your giving helped save the lives of 57 starving children in our partner’s feeding program.

These boys and girls now have access to nutritious food to reverse the effects of starvation. Just recently, six children officially “graduated” to healthy weights!

Supported recent graduates in Uganda as they entered the workforce …

You helped children in Uganda achieve their dreams
Your generosity is helping children in Uganda and other impoverished countries achieve their dreams

150 students recently graduated from our partner’s vocational school in Gulu, Uganda! These young adults received training in trades like cosmetology, tailoring, and welding.

Thanks to the World Help family, each student received a toolkit that will help them open their own business to support themselves and their families.

And treated over 400 patients at a medical clinic!

You brought help and hope to Belize
You were the hands and feet of Jesus in Belize

A group of 35 doctors, nurses, and other World Help supporters traveled to Belize for a week of medical clinics.

During this time, they provided more than 400 patients with free medical care, medicine, eye exams, and glasses.

Since people living in poverty often can’t afford to go to a doctor, for many, it was the first care they’d received in years.

Thank you for giving so generously to transform lives around the globe. Because of you, countless people received help and hope when they needed it most.

If you’d like to continue demonstrating God’s love around the world, you can visit our website to give again.

We can’t wait to see what you do next!

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