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Walmart golfs for clean water

Blog Team
Jun 14, 2012

For a company that serves their customers over 200 million times a week in 27 different countries, Walmart would seem to have their hands full steering the ship of their global enterprise. But a booming business is not the only measure of success for the internationally recognized company.

In fact, for the second year in a row, western Tennessee Regional Director Jacob Frias has led the way in promoting a cause that has become personal for him: clean water.

Last year, Frias and a group of Walmart’s vendors sponsored a golf tournament in the Memphis area and raised the funds to provide wells in four villages in Guatemala, India, and Uganda, giving clean water to nearly 5,000 people.

Frias and other corporate representatives traveled to Guatemala in February to dedicate the wells funded by the tournament that are now serving hundreds. Inspired by the incredible changes he saw, Frias committed to hosting two more tournaments in May of this year.

Coming alongside other corporate brands—including Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Kraft Foods, and Starbucks—Frias and his team hosted tournaments in both the Memphis and Nashville areas, which attracted more than 250 golfers.

Children of the World
International Children’s Choir was featured as a part of each tournament’s festivities, bringing awareness of the importance for clean water to life through a performance of songs and stories from their Overflow tour.

The two tournaments were an overwhelming success. With donations still coming in, the gift of clean water will be made available to even more impoverished communities this year, thanks to Walmart and their associates.

causelife’s corporate partners have raised the bar for what “better business” is all about. We are so thankful to count them as our supporters and friends in the cause.

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