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You’ll love this – double your impact!

Blog Team
Dec 27, 2016

Making a HUGE impact has never been easier!

Any gift — made before midnight (EST) on Dec. 31 — will be doubled!

As 2016 draws to a close, you can do something incredible right now that will end your year by making an eternal difference.

The needs of refugees throughout the Middle East are greater than ever before. Another year has passed, and thousands still cannot return home.

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But you can provide food, water, and medical supplies to refugees  and right now, your tax-deductible gift will go twice as far!

We have an ambitious goal to reach 10,000 refugees with comfort, hope, and other lifesaving aid before the end of 2016. Please don’t forget about your brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling to survive. Your immediate response will help reach a refugee in need … that’s one more refugee closer to the goal.

The year is almost over. Do something today that you’ll never regret — help a refugee and change a life forever.

<center> DOUBLE my gift!

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