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Child Development1 min read


Our Promise to Children in Need

Vernon Brewer
Jun 27, 2012

A young boy in our Honduras child sponsorship programOur child sponsors have remained dedicated during trying economic times, and we are so grateful for their faithful support. Each gift provides necessities such as food, clean water, access to medical care, education, and the opportunity to grow spiritually—a true and lasting investment.

Recently, we made an important change in our Child Sponsorship Program.

The fluctuating economies in all nations around the world have severely impacted children already suffering from the effects of extreme poverty. A shift of the economic landscape can literally mean the difference between life and death for children caught in the struggle.

Inflation abroad affects developing countries in an extreme way. Over the past several years, soaring food prices and the ever-increasing cost of living has been a topic of anxiety amongst hundreds of our international partners. Many of them are stretched to the limit, struggling to provide for the children in their care.

Two Boys at the Good Samaritan School Through the support of our sponsors, World Help is responsible for providing food, medicine, and other critical resources for each child. We are committed to upholding the highest standard of excellence. And we trust our supporters desire the same thing—the guarantee that every child receives the best care possible.

Maintaining this standard has become impossible without an increase in funding. As a result, we are faced with the difficult but necessary decision to increase our sponsorship commitment amount.

After extensive consideration, discussion, and prayer, we have asked our sponsors to increase their sponsorship commitment to $35 per month.

I know they are devoted to bringing true health to each sponsored child’s life. This increase will help us maintain the quality of care we offer the children in our international programs.

This decision was not made lightly but with strategic thought and the utmost regard for our supporters. World Help is fanatical about using our resources in the most effective ways possible, and that often means great internal changes. We understand the sacrifice, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

World Help believes every child deserves a healthy life. Nutrition, clean water, healthcare, education, and spiritual development are foundational for true well-being—and our children deserve nothing less. Thank you sponsors, for your commitment to improving lives and building futures.


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