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Multiply the Bibles in North Korea

Kelsey Campbell
Nov 12, 2017

List of crimes: Praying out loud, singing a hymn, owning a Bible, telling someone about Jesus

Punishment: Prison, torture … death

The same actions we naturally perform as Christians can mean torture and death for a believer in North Korea. Unfathomable brutality awaits people accused of being a Christian. There have been reports of Christians being crushed with a steamroller, used as test-subjects in dangerous drug trials, or hung on a cross over fire. These are just a few means of persecution in North Korea.

Right now, approximately 70,000 North Korean Christians are living and working in labor camps. They’re beaten with electric stun batons and forced to work 12-hour days with little food or water. It’s estimated that 75 percent won’t make it out alive.

But even though a Bible can result in prison or death, Bibles are the one thing North Korean Christians are begging for. They are so eager to own a copy of God’s Word that we can’t keep up with the demand.

You can help meet this urgent need for just $10. And when you give now, your gift will be matched 100 percent, providing God’s Word to TWO North Korean believers or seekers.

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Right now, North Koreans are choosing a life filled with hope rather than a life full of fear. They’re standing up for Christ in the most oppressive country in the world. Will you send them a Bible that will bring peace during such distressing times?

God’s Word will not return void. That’s why you can trust that when you give the Good News to a North Korean believer or seeker, a life will be changed for eternity!

Your gift of $10 today will print a Bible in the North Korean language, smuggle that Bible into the country, and place it into the hands of a believer starving for the Word of God!

And today your donation will be DOUBLED thanks to a matching gift! Give today and DOUBLE your impact in North Korea.

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