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Thank you for changing lives in 2017

Vernon Brewer
Jan 01, 2018

Happy New Year from all of us at World Help!

When I look back over 2017, I am reminded of the many difficulties, struggles, and disasters our world has faced this year. But I’m also reminded of hope that overcame these situations because of your generosity.

I am so proud of all you and the rest of the World Help family have done to give help and hope to people in need this year.

Every time a hurricane struck, refugees faced a new crisis, or famine swept a nation, you stepped up. When people across the world faced impossible obstacles, you gave the help they needed.

This year, you helped people in Nepal, Honduras, North Korea, Iraq, and so many other countries. Your generosity gave education to children in Uganda. You provided the resources to rescue Guatemalan babies from the brink of death.

Girls who were trapped in the sex industry are now free.

People who were starving are now well-fed.

Refugees in desperate medical situations now have the care they need.

All of this is because of you — thank you!

As we move forward into 2018, I know new difficulties will arise and many more people will need immediate help. But I also know I can count on you. You’ll continue to respond to the needs of the poor, the sick, and the hopeless … just as our Savior did.

I can’t wait to see how God uses you to change lives in 2018. Thank you for bringing physical help and spiritual hope to those who need it most. Thank you for making an impact that will endure past 2017 and last for eternity.


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