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Child Sponsorship1 min read


The best resolution you’ll make this year

April Stumme
Jan 08, 2018

A new year is here, full of excitement and possibility! There are 365 days ahead of you, and you get to decide how to live each one. Many folks start the year by making resolutions.

Lose weight. Don’t watch so much TV. Stop biting your nails. 

But instead of just focusing on improving yourself this year, what if you resolved to give someone else a brighter future in 2018? Add a resolution to your list that’s sure to bring you joy … and help someone in need. Resolve to sponsor a child!

Sponsorship is the perfect New Year’s resolution. You get the incredible opportunity to connect with a child and give him or her new hope for the future. For only $35 a month, you can help transform a child’s life!

When children receive sponsorship, they get the tools needed to achieve their goals and dreams — tools such as healthy food, clean water, basic medical care, and educational opportunities.

By making your resolution about a child in need instead of yourself, you spread the excitement of the new year across the globe. And you give someone else a chance to have a better year, too.

Resolve to transform a child’s life through sponsorship. And watch your year unfold with possibilities and joy.

<center> Sponsor a child

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