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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Dream big, kid!

Kelsey Campbell
Jul 03, 2018

Prince wants to be a doctor and a pastor when he grows up.

Johan wants to be a police officer and a carpenter.

Not only do sponsored children get to dream, but they also get to dream BIG.

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Why? Because their sponsors care enough to help provide them with essentials such as education, food, medical care, and — best of all — hope for a better future! But sponsorship isn’t just about meeting basic needs … it’s also about making a connection.

Several of this year’s Children of the World choir members shared what being sponsored means to them. And they all said they felt a personal connection with their sponsor.

All of the encouragement, love, and support are not lost on children who are sponsored. They’re grateful for the blessings they receive from their sponsors. And they especially love building a relationship with a family they may never meet.

“They send me letters,” Job explained. “They help me at school, and they comfort me.”

Sponsorship jumpstarts these children’s futures, but it also helps them remain children for longer. So many times kids in poverty are forced to grow up quickly. Some have to go to work or take care of younger siblings in order for their families to survive.

Salami, for example, lost her father at a very young age and had to care for her mother. But sponsorship gave her back her childhood. Salami now gets to attend school, play with friends, laugh, sing, dance, and dream of becoming a teacher. She can do what every little girl should get to do: dream big.

Today, you can give another child the chance to dream for just over a dollar a day.

All it takes is $35 a month to become a sponsor and set up a child for success. You’ll provide basic necessities such as educational opportunities, healthy meals, medical attention, and more. You’ll also be forming a friendship with a child who will be eternally grateful — even if he or she never gets to tell you in person.

“If I could tell my sponsor one thing,” Salami said, “[it would be], ‘I love you and thank you for sponsoring me.’”

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