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Refugee crisis2 min read


Omar’s story is almost too sad to tell

Vernon Brewer
Jul 27, 2018

Omar couldn’t even tell our partner his story without crying.

“You will not believe this,” Omar said. “My weight was 80 kilograms (176 pounds) before the war with ISIS. Now I am just 45 kilograms (99 pounds).

“We had one loaf of bread to live on for 20 days.”

I’ve changed Omar’s name to protect him. He’s already been through so much.

Omar described the food crisis his family has been suffering through since ISIS took over their land and home in Mosul, Iraq.

The food is gone.

Acres and acres of farmland have been destroyed. Markets are reduced to rubble. Can you believe his family had just one loaf of bread for 20 days? And Omar isn’t alone.

Nothing to eat — it’s the number one problem refugees around the world face. Entire families are starving. And the blistering temperatures of summer only increase their suffering.

It’s not just happening in Iraq, either. In places like South Sudan and Syria, war has caused a widespread food crisis for refugees. People are hungry and dying. They need your help.

For just $35, you can provide $189 worth of emergency food, clean water, medicine, and other lifesaving supplies to a refugee like Omar.

Now that refugees are facing the hottest months of summer, it’s even more urgent that they receive these critical supplies. You know how exhausting being out in the sun all day can be … so imagine sitting in the summer heat after you haven’t eaten more than a few scraps of bread in days. It’s agony!

Many refugees like Omar are suffering. Watching their children cry from the combination of hunger pains and heat exhaustion could be what steals their last hope.

But you can help a refugee and his family survive. You can meet their most pressing physical needs today, giving them hope for tomorrow.

You’ll make sure a child has clean, refreshing water even on the hottest days … give a father enough food to feed his starving family … or provide desperately needed medical care for an elderly refugee.

For you and me, when we hear the word “summer” we may think vacation. But for refugees like Omar, it’s one of the most dangerous times of the year. And without enough food and other essentials, many are wondering how they will make it.

Please pray earnestly for refugees who are suffering without food and other necessities. And please provide help.

Can I count on you to help one starving refugee today?

Your gift of $35 will multiply 5X and provide exactly what he has been praying for — emergency food, clean water, medicine, and more.

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