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SEND IMMEDIATE HELP: Hurricane Michael victims

Blog Team
Oct 10, 2018

Hurricane Michael has officially made landfall on the Florida coast. It is expected to dump a foot of rain and drench many coastal towns with a storm surge of more than 10 feet. Gov. Rick Scott called it “the worst storm the Florida Panhandle has seen in more than 100 years.”

Families who have lost everything need basic essentials like food, water, and hygiene kits. And for $50, you can provide these emergency supplies to one person who is trying to survive the devastation and chaos.

World Help has partnered with disaster response teams to rush immediate aid, as well as Bibles, to the most affected areas. But we need your help to make sure there’s enough emergency supplies to distribute.

Will you help provide critical aid for families affected by Hurricane Michael?

Please pray for Florida and for all the victims of Hurricane Michael. And please give today. You’ll be providing critical relief for people going through some of the most difficult days of their lives.


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