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We're thankful for YOU!

Blog Team
Nov 22, 2018

Right now, you’re probably busy preparing side dishes, watching a football game or parade, and spending time with your family. You might be counting down to the big dinner … or maybe just the post-dinner nap.

But here at World Help, we couldn’t let today go by without sharing what we’re most thankful for this year — YOU!

As we look back over 2018, we can’t help but be thankful for the way that our World Help family has stepped out with compassion and generosity to impact the world for Christ.

Because of the World Help family:

A child in Guatemala has the nutritious food he needs to survive.

A man in North Korea is reading the Bible in his own language for the first time.

A refugee family in Iraq has the blankets and warm clothes they need to make it through the winter.

A girl in Thailand is receiving an education and finding freedom from cultural slavery.

A medical clinic in Uganda has much-needed supplies.

A church plant in Cuba is growing more and more every week.

A village in in India has its own well — giving clean water to anyone who needs it.

And because of the World Help family — because of you — people around the world are receiving the help and hope they have been desperate for.

Our work isn’t done. But thanks to you, so many people’s lives have already been transformed. Not a day goes by that we aren’t thankful for the impact you have made and continue to make.

Thank you for giving of yourselves and being the hands and feet of Jesus … sharing His love with those in need. Without you, none of this would be possible.

You are truly changing the world.

From all of us here at World Help, we wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful start to the holiday season.


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