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Bibles for All1 min read


Become a Bibles for All Ambassador

Blog Team
Jan 14, 2019

Bibles for All Ambassadors are among our most faithful and valued supporters. They are people who pledge to give every month to send Bibles to persecuted Christians and seekers who don’t have access to or can’t afford a copy of God’s Word.

When you commit to a monthly gift of $25, you will send five people their very first Bibles. And your gift multiplies because each copy you send will be shared with family members and friends. 

This is an amazing chance for you to witness to people and support persecuted Christians on the other side of the globe. There’s no more powerful gift you can give a person than his or her first Bible! And as a Bibles for All Ambassador, you give five people that gift each month.

Over the course of one year, you’ll put Bibles in the hands of 60 people who have never owned a copy before. 

It’s easy to sign up. Just click the button below to get started. You’ll also receive a monthly update about a person and part of the world you helped reach with the Gospel.


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