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Bibles2 min read


Wait, did Jesus really say that?

Kelsey Campbell
Feb 24, 2019

The Bible can be tough to understand.

Take this passage for example:

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, even their own life — such a person cannot be my disciple.” — Luke 14:26 (NIV)

Now imagine being a new Christian and hearing that verse for the first time. You don’t own a Bible so you can’t read the context.

It’s difficult to grow in your faith if you don’t have access to a Bible. That is the unfortunate reality for people all over the world. Numerous Christians in places like Rwanda, North Korea, and Guatemala don’t have access to the Scriptures.

But today, you can help one believer unlock the truths in God’s Word — for only $5.

You can help answer the prayers of someone like Pacifique. Before this Rwandan pastor received a study Bible from a generous donor, he didn’t have the adequate resources to help him dig deeper into the Scriptures so he could explain difficult passages to his congregation.

Some of his other pastor friends and most of the people in his church didn’t have Bibles at all.

This church was stunted in its growth. It was almost impossible for these new Christians to thrive and help spread the Gospel without proper teaching.

But once Pacifique and the other Christian leaders in his community received study Bibles, he was able to explain passages to his congregation. Samuel thanked God for his new Bible and said, “With this Bible, I can make better sermons. The people will learn more about Jesus.”

Now, people throughout Rwanda who once didn’t have a Bible are studying God’s Word and are able to understand it — and share the Good News with others.

Will you offer the same opportunity by giving someone else his very own Bible? All it costs is $5 to help print and deliver a Bible to someone struggling to grow in his faith.

When Jesus spoke in Luke 14, He was saying that we should love God so much more than anything else that, by comparison, it looks like we hate everything else. And that’s because He loves us so much.

So, the best way to show God’s enormous love for us is by spreading His Word to others. And the best way to spread His Word is by helping provide Bibles.

Give a Bible today and share the abundant love of Jesus Christ!


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