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Where Needed Most3 min read


A New Year’s resolution that helps save lives

Happy New Year from all of us here at World Help!

As excited as I am for what 2020 will bring, I can’t help but take a moment to look back in gratitude at all the ways you helped impact lives around the world in 2019.

Because of you …

  • Starving children received the food they needed to survive

  • Refugees received lifesaving medical aid, warm clothing, and more for the winter

  • Victims of disasters such as Hurricane Dorian were met with immediate aid and support

  • Christians facing persecution received encouragement through the gift of God’s Word

  • Girls in India and Thailand were rescued from a life of slavery

In 2019, the World Help family did all of this and so much more. Thank you for making this past year so incredible. Thank you for responding quickly to urgent needs and for not forgetting the least of these.

Because of your generosity, lives have been saved, communities have been transformed, and countless individuals have been introduced to the love of Jesus Christ.

2019 was truly incredible, but I believe that 2020 can be even better.

Every New Year, we make resolutions. We resolve to eat better, exercise, read more, or travel more. Far too often, those resolutions fall flat after just a few months.

But what if this year were different? What if this year you made a resolution that will help save even more lives around the world?

By signing up as a monthly donor to help where needed most, you will help rescue people in need all throughout 2020. And since you can enroll in automatic giving, that’s one resolution you never have to worry about forgetting. It’s quick, easy, and will make an eternal difference.

Every $8 helps rescue one person in need. What an incredible impact! That means for a monthly commitment of $24, you can help rescue three people each month.

You’ll love watching your impact add up month after month and receiving reports all year long about the families worldwide who have benefited from your generosity.

Your gift will put you on the front lines of some of the world’s most urgent needs every month — like giving emergency medicine to a sick child, helping disaster victims rebuild when tragedy strikes, or providing lifesaving food to a family facing famine.

I already know you are a passionate world changer — and by signing up to give monthly to people who need it most, you can take your impact a step further.

This year, will you set a goal to rescue men, women, and children in need? It’s sure to be a goal you’ll want to keep.

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