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Spiritual Development5 min read


In 2019, you shared the Gospel around the world

Blog Team
Jan 02, 2020

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son …” (John 3:16, KJV)

If you grew up going to church, this is likely one of the first verses you learned. It sums up the greatest truth there is — that we are loved by God, and that Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

Many people around the world have never heard this verse or the Gospel it represents. But in 2019, you helped change that. Thanks to you, people in some of the most remote communities on earth have now heard about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Take a look at what you helped accomplish in 2019:

Over the past year, you helped support church planters in places like Cuba and China. Equipped with the biblical training and support they needed, these church planters were able to travel far and wide to share the Gospel with people like Angela.

Before church planters arrived in her community, Angela knew very little about the Gospel. She had heard about God, but she had no idea how deeply He loved her. Then one day, two women arrived and began sharing the Bible with the elderly woman and her husband.

“I never thought this would happen to me, much less that God sent these sisters from so far to give me the great news that is the Gospel,” Angela said. “From that first day, I gave myself to God, and so did my husband.”

Angela and her husband opened up their home to other new believers, and a church was born. Since that time, others have come to know the Lord, and they have seen incredible miracles.

“For me, what these sisters did — there is no comparison, and I will be eternally grateful,” Angela shared. “They did not take into account the remoteness of our people in relation to theirs. Leaving behind all their family and comfort, they came to bring us the message of salvation. Knowing the Lord has been the most important and transcendental thing in my life.”

Your impact in 2019 didn’t stop there. You also helped provide and distribute 36,364 Bibles in places like North Korea, Guatemala, Iran, and many other countries. Numerous people had been unable to read God’s Word on their own, but because of your generosity, they are now able to study the Bible for the very first time.

One church in Guatemala had been praying for Bibles for a long time. Many of the church members lacked the resources to purchase a Bible, and they were desperate to read the Gospel for themselves. But they trusted that God would provide them with His Word.

You helped answer that prayer! By helping provide Bibles in different languages, you were the hands and feet of Jesus to waiting believers all around the world. After they received a shipment of Bibles, our partner in Guatemala sent us this:

“Once again, our brothers and sisters in the United States have worked hard to help us grow in faith. Our hearts and faces are filled with joy, and we are very grateful to all the brothers and sisters for giving us the opportunity to have at our fingertips the Holy Word of God.”

By supporting church planters and providing Bibles, you helped make sure that people all across the globe had a chance to hear about the opportunity to follow Jesus. Thank you for helping share the Gospel with people in some of the most spiritually dark places around the world.

But your impact doesn’t have to stop there. You can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in 2020 by becoming a monthly donor.

It takes as little as $8 to help rescue one person in need. Some months, your gift will provide Bibles for people like Angela. Other months, it will go toward providing clean water or food or medical aid to people who are struggling to survive.

By enrolling as a monthly giver, you ensure that when urgent needs arise, help is immediately on its way.

You’ll also love giving monthly because you never have to worry about sending in your gift. And as a monthly donor, you’ll receive regular updates — showing you just how much of an impact your generosity is making.

Now is the time for making resolutions and setting goals for an even greater year than the last. So, will you resolve to help meet the urgent physical and spiritual needs of people every month? By this time next year, there’s no telling how many people you will have pointed toward the Gospel!

Click the button below and get started today.

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