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Where Needed Most4 min read


A few clicks today can save lives tomorrow

Kelsey Campbell
Jan 16, 2020

Highschool sweethearts, Samuel and Abby, are two very disciplined people — especially when it comes to finances.

They live in Charlotte, N.C., where they both enjoy successful careers, and it’s clear they have ambitious plans for the future — but not just theirs. They sponsor a child living in Zimbabwe and help improve the lives of people in need every month by generously giving to help where needed most around the world.

Though these young newlyweds have been married only three years, Samuel and Abby are as committed to helping others as they are to each other. They chose to become automatic monthly givers to ensure their gifts are among the first to arrive when disaster strikes, children are starving, or families are struggling to survive.

They love knowing their recurring gifts help meet some of the most urgent needs around the globe including disaster relief, clean water, nutritious food, or medical aid for refugees … and help share the love of Jesus Christ with those who may have never heard the Gospel.

Another benefit they noted was that it means giving to those in need is automatically built into their monthly budget.

“I think the discipline of the monthly gift helps to ensure that you’re doing the things that are really important to you because there are so many temptations to re-direct money elsewhere for other things,” Samuel explained. “But if you have that discipline to set up giving monthly, it makes it so much easier. You know you want to do it; it just makes it easier to execute on that.”

When asked why he and his wife decided to make charitable giving a part of their lives and their marriage, Samuel pointed to their faith.

“We’ve been blessed by the Lord. It’s all His, and we want to give back as much as we can,” Samuel said.  “As stewards, we felt like it was really important to identify organizations that are aligned with values we have as believers and are doing the work of the Lord across the globe — and World Help fits right into that category.”

It would be easy for Samuel and Abby, only in their mid 20s, to focus solely on their own futures: buying a house, planning for children, or saving for retirement. But in this season of their lives, they’re excited to also make a difference by helping people in the most dire situations.

Having their money consistently going to the most critical areas is important to the couple. “For example, when a hurricane hits the Bahamas and there’s tremendous devastation, knowing … the money that I’m donating is going to serve those in the greatest need is encouraging,” Samuel said. “No question.”

If you are considering becoming an ongoing supporter yourself and helping rescue people in need every month, Samuel has this advice for you: “Don’t forget the overall impact. It’s not just money you’re sending; it’s life and hope.”

Every $8 you give impacts one person with the help he needs. If you make a monthly commitment of just $24 a month, then, that’s enough to help rescue three people every month!

Plus, it takes just a few clicks to get started. “It’s super easy to sign up,” Samuel said. And once you’re a monthly donor, you’ll receive regular updates sharing stories of people impacted by you and other generous world-changers.

You’ll be helping provide clean water to impoverished villages, medicine to the elderly, emergency kits to victims of natural disasters, and Bibles to some of the world’s most persecuted Christians.

“I believe God calls people to go, but He also calls people to give,” Samuel said. “And in this season of life that Abby and I are in, He’s called us to give and to send. And that’s what we’re doing through World Help.”

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